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SSLSocket Member List

This is the complete list of members for SSLSocket, including all inherited members.
accept() (defined in SSLSocket)SSLSocket
close()Socket [virtual]
connect() (defined in SSLSocket)SSLSocket
interrupt()SSLSocket [virtual]
operator<<(string &mesg) (defined in SSLSocket)SSLSocket
operator>>(string &mesg)SSLSocket
readBinary(uint8_t *buffer, int maxlen)Socket
readBlock(void *buffer, int maxlen)SSLSocket [protected, virtual]
readLine(string &msg)SSLSocket [virtual]
Socket() (defined in Socket)Socket
SSLSocket(ISocket &sock, SSL_CTX &sslContext) (defined in SSLSocket)SSLSocket
SSLSocket(const int socket, SSL_CTX &sslContext)SSLSocket
SSLSocket(const char *hostname, uint16_t port, SSL_CTX &sslContext)SSLSocket
startBinaryTransfer(int64_t length, int packetSize)Socket
writeBinary(const uint8_t *buffer, int length)Socket
writeBlock(const void *buffer, int length)SSLSocket [protected, virtual]
writeLine(string msg)Socket
writeLine(const char *msg)Socket
~Socket()=0Socket [pure virtual]
~SSLSocket() (defined in SSLSocket)SSLSocket
~SSLSocket() (defined in SSLSocket)SSLSocket

Generated on Wed Feb 18 13:45:57 2004 for strongroom by doxygen1.2.18