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StrongroomCore Member List

This is the complete list of members for StrongroomCore, including all inherited members.
addRendition(const UserProfile &user, NumID docid, NumID revid, NumID fileid, string mimetype)StrongroomCore
addUser(const UserProfile &admin, const UserProfile &userProfile, string challenge, string password, NumID &userid)StrongroomCore
changeDocument(const UserProfile &user, NumID docid, NumID fileid, string mimetype, NumID &revid)StrongroomCore
changeDocumentInfo(const UserProfile &user, NumID docid, const Document &document)StrongroomCore
changeUserProfile(const UserProfile &admin, NumID userid, const UserProfile &userProfile)StrongroomCore
clearPassword(const UserProfile &admin, NumID userid)StrongroomCore
closeFile(NumID fileid)StrongroomCore
createDocument(const UserProfile &user, const Document &document, NumID &docid)StrongroomCore
createNewFile(const UserProfile &user, NumID docid, NumID revid, NumID &fileid)StrongroomCore
deleteDocument(const UserProfile &user, NumID docid)StrongroomCore
deleteNewFile(NumID fileid)StrongroomCore
deleteRevision(const UserProfile &user, NumID docid, NumID revid)StrongroomCore
deleteUser(const UserProfile &admin, NumID userid)StrongroomCore
getDocument(const UserProfile &user, NumID docid, NumID revid, string mimetype, NumID &fileid, int64_t &length)StrongroomCore
getDocumentInfo(const UserProfile &user, NumID docid, Document &document)StrongroomCore
getLoginChallenge(string username, string &challenge)StrongroomCore
getUserProfile(const UserProfile &admin, NumID userid, UserProfile &userProfile)StrongroomCore
listUsers(const UserProfile &admin, vector< NumID > &users)StrongroomCore
log(const string &message, int level=0)StrongroomCore
loginUser(string username, string challenge, string response, UserProfile &user)StrongroomCore
queryUpdates(const UserProfile &user, NumID first, int maxlen, map< NumID, NumID > &updates)StrongroomCore
readFromFile(NumID fileid, uint8_t *buffer, int maxlen)StrongroomCore
setPassword(const UserProfile &user, string challenge, string oldPassword, string newPassword)StrongroomCore
StrongroomCore(string coreConfFile)StrongroomCore
systemShutdown(const UserProfile &admin)StrongroomCore
writeToFile(NumID fileid, const uint8_t *buffer, int length)StrongroomCore

Generated on Wed Feb 18 13:45:57 2004 for strongroom by doxygen1.2.18