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FilePlugin Class Reference

#include <FilePlugin.h>

Inheritance diagram for FilePlugin:

Plugin LocalFilePlugin ODBCFilePlugin List of all members.

Public Methods

virtual CoreError create (NumID &fileid)=0
virtual CoreError open (NumID fileid, NumID &of)=0
virtual CoreError remove (NumID fileid)=0
virtual int64_t getLength (NumID fileid)=0
virtual CoreError write (NumID fileid, char *data, int length)=0
virtual CoreError read (NumID fileid, char *data, int length, int &bRead)=0
virtual CoreError close (NumID fileid)=0

Detailed Description

Stores the bitstreams of documents in a repository. This is a virtual class.

Implementations of this class must be thread-safe.

Member Function Documentation

virtual CoreError FilePlugin::close NumID    fileid [pure virtual]

Close newly created or open file.

fileid  the open file to close
status code

Implemented in LocalFilePlugin, and ODBCFilePlugin.

virtual CoreError FilePlugin::create NumID &    fileid [pure virtual]

Create and store a new file on the fileserver.

fileid  the fileid that was created
status code

Implemented in LocalFilePlugin, and ODBCFilePlugin.

virtual int64_t FilePlugin::getLength NumID    fileid [pure virtual]

Get the length of an open file.

fileid  the file
the length of the file or -1 on error

Implemented in LocalFilePlugin, and ODBCFilePlugin.

virtual CoreError FilePlugin::open NumID    fileid,
NumID &    of
[pure virtual]

Open and read a file from the fileserver.

fileid  the file that is to be read
of  the reference that receives the open file ID
status code

Implemented in LocalFilePlugin, and ODBCFilePlugin.

virtual CoreError FilePlugin::read NumID    fileid,
char *    data,
int    length,
int &    bRead
[pure virtual]

Read binary data from file.

fileid  the open file to read from
data  the buffer that receives the data
length  the maximum number of bytes to read
bRead  receives the number of bytes actually read
status code

Implemented in LocalFilePlugin, and ODBCFilePlugin.

virtual CoreError FilePlugin::remove NumID    fileid [pure virtual]

Remove a file from the fileserver.

fileid  the file to remove
status code

Implemented in LocalFilePlugin, and ODBCFilePlugin.

virtual CoreError FilePlugin::write NumID    fileid,
char *    data,
int    length
[pure virtual]

Write binary data to new file.

fileid  the newly created file to write to
data  the data to write
length  the length of the data in bytes
status code

Implemented in LocalFilePlugin, and ODBCFilePlugin.

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