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ODBCMetadataPlugin Class Reference

#include <ODBCMetadataPlugin.h>

Inheritance diagram for ODBCMetadataPlugin:

MetadataPlugin Plugin List of all members.

Public Methods

bool init ()
CoreError create (NumID &docid, const Document &document)
CoreError remove (NumID docid)
CoreError update (NumID docid, const Document &document)
CoreError get (NumID docid, Document &document)
CoreError lock (NumID docid, DocumentLock lock)
CoreError getLocks (map< NumID, DocumentLock > &locks)
CoreError query (NumID first, int maxlen, map< NumID, NumID > &updates)

Detailed Description

ODBCMetadataPlugin is a real working implementation of MetadataPlugin. It stores metadata in a central ODBC database. In the configfile can be specified which datasource.

To use an ODBC source create an odbc.ini file in your home directory. A sample odbc.ini can be found in the /doc directory. You should copy the file to "~/.odbc.ini".

Provided with the unixodbc package for debian is a qt program that helps you create an odbc.ini.

CREATE statement for use with a Postgresql server:

CREATE SEQUENCE documents_docid_seq;

CREATE SEQUENCE documents_updid_seq;

CREATE TABLE documents (
    docid BIGINT DEFAULT nextval('documents_docid_seq') UNIQUE NOT NULL,
    updid BIGINT DEFAULT nextval('documents_updid_seq') UNIQUE NOT NULL,
    lock CHAR DEFAULT 0,
    metadata TEXT NOT NULL

This class is multi-thread enabled.

Member Function Documentation

CoreError ODBCMetadataPlugin::create NumID &    docid,
const Document   document

Create a document.

docid  the reference that receives the new document ID
document  the new document information
error code

Implements MetadataPlugin.

CoreError ODBCMetadataPlugin::get NumID    docid,
Document   document

Get a document

docid  the document to retrieve
document  the reference that receives the document information
error code

Implements MetadataPlugin.

CoreError ODBCMetadataPlugin::getLocks map< NumID, DocumentLock > &    locks [virtual]

Get the active locks. Useful for cleaning up after a crash.

locks  the reference that receives the document locks
error code

Implements MetadataPlugin.

bool ODBCMetadataPlugin::init   [virtual]

Sets up a connection with an ODBC datasource specified in config.

true if plugin initialized succesfully, false otherwise

Implements Plugin.

CoreError ODBCMetadataPlugin::lock NumID    docid,
DocumentLock    lock

Lock the document.

docid  the document ID
lock  the document lock type
error code

Implements MetadataPlugin.

CoreError ODBCMetadataPlugin::query NumID    first,
int    maxlen,
map< NumID, NumID > &    updates

Query document changes since 'first'.

first  the first update to return
maxlen  the maximum number of updates to return
updates  the reference that receives the updates
error code

Implements MetadataPlugin.

CoreError ODBCMetadataPlugin::remove NumID    docid [virtual]

Remove a document.

docid  the document to remove
error code

Implements MetadataPlugin.

CoreError ODBCMetadataPlugin::update NumID    docid,
const Document   document

Update a document

docid  the document that will be updated
document  the updated document information
error code

Implements MetadataPlugin.

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