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ODBCQuery Class Reference

#include <ODBCQuery.h>

List of all members.

Public Methods

 ODBCQuery (ODBCConnection &odbc)
 ~ODBCQuery ()
ODBCQuery & param (bool *pValue)
ODBCQuery & param (char *pValue)
ODBCQuery & param (int *pValue)
ODBCQuery & param (int64_t *pValue)
ODBCQuery & param (const char *pValue)
ODBCQuery & binParam ()
ODBCQuery & column (bool *pValue)
ODBCQuery & column (char *pValue)
ODBCQuery & column (int *pValue)
ODBCQuery & column (int64_t *pValue)
int exec (const char *query)
void listTables ()
bool fetch ()
bool commit ()
bool rollback ()
bool getText (int column, string &str)
int getData (int column, uint8_t *buffer, int maxlen)
int putData (const uint8_t *buffer, int length)
int paramData ()
void error (int lineno)

Detailed Description

ODBC query (statement) abstraction.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ODBCQuery::ODBCQuery ODBCConnection   odbc


odbc  the database connection pool



Member Function Documentation

ODBCQuery & ODBCQuery::binParam  

Bind binary (LONGVARBINARY) to next paramter marker in SQL statement.

ODBCQuery & ODBCQuery::column int64_t *    pValue

Bind int64_t (BIGINT) to next column in the result set.

ODBCQuery & ODBCQuery::column int *    pValue

Bind int to next column in the result set.

ODBCQuery & ODBCQuery::column char *    pValue

Bind char to next column in the result set.

ODBCQuery & ODBCQuery::column bool *    pValue

Bind bool to next column in the result set.

bool ODBCQuery::commit  

Commit transaction.

true if successful, false otherwise

void ODBCQuery::error int    lineno

ODBC error, free resources associated with statement handle.

lineno  the line number where the error occured

int ODBCQuery::exec const char *    query

Execute SQL query and compare the number of rows affected.

query  the SQL query to execute
number of affected rows or -1 on error

bool ODBCQuery::fetch  

Fetch the next rowset of data from the result set.

true if successful, false otherwise

int ODBCQuery::getData int    column,
uint8_t *    buffer,
int    maxlen

Retrieves data for a single column in the result set.

column  the column number in the result set
buffer  the buffer that receives the data
maxlen  the size of the buffer
the number of bytes actually read or -1 on failure

bool ODBCQuery::getText int    column,
string &    str

Retrieve 'text' (TEXT) column.

column  the column number in the result set
str  the string reference that receives the 'text' value
true is successful, false otherwise

void ODBCQuery::listTables  

Fetch a list of all available tables TABLE_NAME is the 3rd column

ODBCQuery & ODBCQuery::param const char *    pValue

Bind 'const char *' (TEXT) to next parameter marker in SQL statement.

ODBCQuery & ODBCQuery::param int64_t *    pValue

Bind int64_t (BIGINT) to next parameter marker in SQL statement.

ODBCQuery & ODBCQuery::param int *    pValue

Bind int to next parameter marker in SQL statement.

ODBCQuery & ODBCQuery::param char *    pValue

Bind char to next parameter marker in SQL statement.

ODBCQuery & ODBCQuery::param bool *    pValue

Bind bool to next parameter marker in SQL statement.

int ODBCQuery::paramData  

Get next binary parameter index for putData().

parameter index or -1 if no more data is needed

int ODBCQuery::putData const uint8_t *    buffer,
int    length

Send data for a parameter or column at statement execution time.

buffer  the buffer that contains the data
length  the size of the buffer
the number of bytes actually written or -1 on failure

bool ODBCQuery::rollback  

Rollback transaction.

true if successful, false otherwise

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